Value Point


24/7 Msp To Grow, Profit And Optimise

For an MSP to keep up with evolving competitive equations, being a 24/7 activity means constantly revising economic, strategic and long-term objectives. In manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality and some retail sectors, customers expect continuous service. Some consumers are obligated to conduct 24/7 operations in various time zones.

Create your own Center for
Offshore Delivery (COD)

Create your own offshore team by hiring full-time technicians to provide our 24/7 flexible model for your customers operating in different time zones that supports customers from anywhere in the world with cost-effective , high-quality support services.

Unload long and short term data migration ventures, from our dedicated / shared SME pool. Enable more MSPs and take on more projects from clients for managed services. At a given time, particularly during peak hours, a shared / dedicated model for staff resources, level support engineers and NOC team will unload the burden for your employees to handle more customers.

Our flexible plans are customized by Reduced Capex Investments for operations and delivery to work for your needs.

Using our white-label solutions, you can broaden further service deals from our portfolio and connect with your customers with a deeper SLA offering.

Break-Fix And IT Products Reseller?

The transition from a break-fix model to a MSP will add more value through recurring revenue from the business service side…

9/5 NOC Offering MSP Services

MSPs evolve consistently that strategically grow from 9/5 operations to a completely operating 24/7 MSP…

Service Portfolio at Kaseya Connect 2024

Value Point Systems Pvt Ltd, a Noventiq Company, is thrilled to announce our successful….